Wednesday Morning Coffee Shop Talks

It's a Wednesday, and I never post blog post except for on Sundays, even if I had written them during the week.


Not really sure, actually.

If you are new to the whole blog-reader thing, during my time in nursing school, I wrote a blog. Every Sunday, and I mean every Sunday never missing a Sunday, I posted a blog post. 

Nursing school is pretty interesting; I mean it is full of stress and interesting happenings, plus the chaos of college life only makes it more interesting, so there was always something to blog about.  And if not, I'm sure someone had gotten on my nerves that week, and you better believe that us creative minded writers will write about it whether it is in a blog-styled excerpt or a novel. Take your pick, you shall be immortalized forever.

After I graduated from nursing school, I continued to write in my Nursing Survival Guide blog up until I passed my NCLEX and I was no longer a student of the nursing profession, but an actual licensed nurse within the profession.

I said goodbye to my loyal blog of two plus years where many days I spent pouring my heart and soul and tears into and decided to create a new blog.

It took me forever to come up with my new blog's title.  I mean, I am a nurse, but that isn't something I really write all that much about, considering all the privacy laws and such.  Granted, there are things that pop up at work, life lessons and provoking conversations, that encourage me to go home and ponder.  And when you get me in a pondering mood, you get me in a writing mood.

Well fast forward to now, where my new blog is this blog and it is legit about anything that comes to my mind.
It's about whatever pops into my head; my crazy head full of dreams, thank you Coldplay.

Well here I sit in a coffee shop on a Wednesday morning, not really knowing what to write about, but knowing I need to write about something.

I haven't posted a blog post in over a month.
Don't worry, I am indeed still alive.


This month of July marks my one year anniversary of employment at my hospital.

One year.

This is crazy to me. Like, it feels like it has been so much longer, in the fact that this is my new 'norm,' and yet, it feels like I am too young to be doing what I am doing.  And the fact that some patients and their families ask me are you old enough to be working doesn't always help.

But hey, I'm living my best life.  At least that what they tell me when they see my badge and ask me my age.

The past year has been one full of gaining knowledge, freaking out, crying a lot, but nonetheless, loving life.

Transitioning into working life is an experience of its own; all you do is go to school for, lets round, twenty years, with maybe a part time job.  But then its time to step out into that career field work; and that can be overwhelming sometimes. It definitely doesn't feel like I thought it would.  I thought with all this new responsibility, I would feel  different, but I don't.

Feel how, you may ask.

I don't really know.

But I do know that I still feel like a little girl trying to find her way in the world.
I have a little more knowledge and wisdom than I did one, two, and three years ago; but whatever feeling I thought came along with adulthood, well it either doesn't exist or I just haven't become adult enough yet.

Whenever I have the time to catch up with old friends, I'm asked how life outside of work is going.

Well, its life.  Its full of ups and downs, emotional days, apathetic days, days I just want to sleep and not do anything else; I think being on night shift really takes a toll on you.  Maybe I have become more in touch with my emotional side, or maybe having a screwed up schedule just makes me more emotional.  And just to be safe, I'm going to go with the latter.

My life is a work in progress.  There are many goals I want to fulfill, but it gets so easy to say oh, I'll just do that tomorrow or next week.

And the days pass, the weeks pass, and before you know it, its the end of July and you look back to your yearly goals and you are just like well, shit.

Nevertheless, life for me remains beautiful.  Even during those days where I have mental breakdowns for really stupid reasons, after I take a few deep breaths and calm down and refocus my energy, I remember that life is actually really beautiful.

In the end, all I have now is all I really need.
Life will continue to change and more ups and downs will come my way,
but in the end, there are so many beautiful people in my life
my life is filled with so much love
so much laughter
and I really don't have any reason to not be happy
to not be in love with every new day.
I am so very thankful
so very blessed.
And even though there are many goals I want to take on
so many dreams that fill this little head of mine
I will take each day
one day at a time
and never fail to forget
that this life is full of so much


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